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  • Chemistry


    Name of Head of Department

    Dr E Mattock, MChem, PhD, MA, PGCE

    Statement of Intent

    The DHSG science curriculum aims to provide an exceptional scientific education for students, through a wealth of inspiring opportunities within a nurturing environment, leading to outstanding achievements and facilitating further study and potential careers within the subject.

    Our aim is to develop students’ curiosity, wonder and understanding of the world around them and equipping them with the analytical skills needed to contribute to a global society.

    High-quality teaching of an ambitious, sequenced and knowledge-rich curriculum promotes student understanding and addresses misconceptions. Theoretical work is supported by purposeful practical work that enhances understanding and develops critical thinking.

    Chemistry is the branch of science where learners explore and gain understanding:

    • of the composition, behaviour, and properties of matter;
    • of the origins and development of the Earth and its atmosphere;
    • of the role of chemists in and the use and development of existing materials, and design of new materials and their impacts on society, the economy, and the environment.

    This is achieved at each Key Stage:

    • Lower years: Adherence to the National Curriculum for Science (Chemistry);
    • Middle Years: AQA GSCE Chemistry or AQA Combined Sciences Trilogy (Chemistry);
    • Upper Years: OCR Chemistry A.

    Curriculum Programmes of Study


    Cycle Content

    Year 7

    Cycle 1

    Laboratory procedures
    Working scientifically

    Cycle 2

    Working scientifically
    Particles and their behaviour and the Periodic table
    Atoms, elements and compounds* [Inc. the Periodic Table]

    Cycle 3

    Separation techniques
    The Earth

    Year 8

    Cycle 1

    Acids and alkalis

    Cycle 2

    Acids and alkalis
    Metals and acids

    Cycle 3

    Metals and acids
    New technology

    Year 9

    Cycle 1

    Atomic structure
    Periodic table
    Bonding, structure and the properties of matter

    Cycle 2

    Bonding, structure and the properties of matter
    Chemical changes

    Cycle 3

    Energy changes

    Year 10

    Cycle 1

    Quantitative chemistry
    The rate and extent of chemical change

    Cycle 2

    The rate and extent of chemical change
    Organic Chemistry: Crude oil

    Cycle 3

    Organic Chemistry: Crude oil
    Organic Chemistry: Organic reactions

    Year 11

    Cycle 1

    Organic chemistry: Polymers
    Chemical Analysis
    Chemistry of the atmosphere
    Using resources

    Cycle 2

    Using resources
    Using materials (Chemistry only)

    Cycle 3

    Using materials (Chemistry only)
    Examination preparation

    Lower Years Assessment Framework

    To view the Lower Years Assessment Framework for Science, please click here

    Middle Years Exam and Specification Information

    Middle years Triple Science Options: AQA GCSE Chemistry is delivered.

    GCSE Chemistry students follow all of units 4.1 – 4.11 found on the GCSE Chemistry Specification link below. Practical skills are assessed throughout the course and examined as part of the final examination series.

    Full details of the specification and assessment criteria can be found on the AQA website GCSE Chemistry Specification

    Middle years Double Science option: AQA Combined Science: Trilogy is delivered

    Combined science students follow selected elements of units 5.1 – 5.11 found on the GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Specification link below. Practical skills are assessed throughout the course and examined as part of the final examination series.

    Full details of the specification and assessment criteria can be found on the AQA website GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Specification

    Extra-curricular activities

    Enrichment opportunities include the Chemistry Olympiad in year 13, the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge in Year 12 and the Paignton Zoo trip in Year 8.

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