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Devonport High School for Girls

DHSG School News

DHSG School News Stories

Ten Tors
We held our 2024/2025 Ten tor introductory walk recently on Dartmoor and the weather was kind. The students were eager to learn some navigation skills and get to know the other participants and our lovely volunteer leaders. A great day was had by all, and we are looking forward to more Dartmoor adventures in the coming months.


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!
Year 11 Geographers completed their physical fieldwork data collection at Dawlish Warren. They conducted wave frequency counts, longshore drift tests and beach profiles. Staff were really impressed with their teamwork skills. Students were so efficient that there was even time for some field sketches of Langstone Rock.


Cambridge Chemistry Challenge
Success in the Year 12 Cambridge Chemistry Challenge, a competition that aims to stretch and challenge students interested in Chemistry, provides an excellent opportunity to take students significantly beyond the A-level syllabus and encourage them to think about science in the way they would at university.

This year, there were questions about arsenic, where we learned about the Arsenic-eaters of Styria, who became accustomed to a daily dose of the poison. When their bodies were exhumed, they were found to be perfectly preserved; this has been suggested as a possible origin of the vampire myth. The paper also considered PFAS (perfluorinated alkyl substances), their properties, and widespread use in cooking pans, cosmetics, insulation, waterproof clothing, and many other products, alongside the impact of their resistance to degradation in the environment and potential health implications.

We are pleased to announce the following certifications: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, and 11 Copper certificates. Congratulations to everyone who took part, demonstrating great strength of character and resilience.


Eden Project
Year 8 Geographers completed the Climate Challenges workshop with Eden Project staff. They explore how we all, as individuals, can respond positively to the climate emergency and how significant our actions are in terms of influencing our peers, big business and government policies on adaptation and climate change mitigation.


Ten Tors
The final training walk and after a long season of fog, hail and rain, we finally got a break in the weather. A long walk to mimic the event and everyone has stepped up to the challenge brilliantly! A full day yesterday from everyone and very icy tents to put down this morning, but the visibility is fantastic - the sky is perfectly blue, the scenery spectacular and the lambs are skipping about everywhere. Finally, it feels like spring!

A massive well done to everyone involved!

A particular thank you to Bob Costin for all his hard work behind the scenes- and to all the volunteers out giving up their weekends to help. Thank you!


Routes into Languages regional Spelling Bee
DHSG had great success at the Routes into Languages regional Spelling Bee final. By qualifying, they were amongst the last 24 of an original 1152 participants. Araliya won the French Spelling Bee with Mary coming third and Nafisa came second in the German Spelling Bee. All have qualified for the National Final in Cambridge.


Top of the Bench
DHSG's top of the bench team, Lulu. Evie, Beatrice and Lily, had a fantastic day competing against 30 of the best schools in the country. They undertook two rigorous and challenging exams which they enjoyed. This was followed by an almost 2-hour undergraduate level practical exam in Edinburgh Napier University's labs, where they worked as a team to solve two problems using sophisticated equipment and analytical skills. Their lab supervisor praised them highly for their team work and results. The president of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Professor Gill Reid, personally congratulated them and recognised their achievements as regional winners.  We have all had a wonderful time in Edinburgh, a truly memorable trip.


International Women's Day
To celebrate International Women's Day this week, or rather 'El Día Internacional de la Mujer' Mrs Tuckwell's Yr. 8 Spanish class spent their lesson discussing which women have inspired them. They then wrote a short piece in Spanish describing the inspirational and influential women in their lives, giving a range of reasons why.


University Challenge
Our former student, Safiyyah Rujak, who left us in 2022, recently showcased her brilliance on University Challenge. Currently, pursuing History at Sheffield, she continues to make us proud! Find out more:


As part of their learning about Judaism, Year 7 have looked at the observance of Shabbat and also the Kashrut food laws. It seemed an appropriate way to help 'digest' the information by making Challah loaves for homework - shared in class with pots of jam and Jewish music!


Top of the Bench
DHSG's Top of the Bench Team of Lily, Beatrice, Lulu and Evie-Mai have won the regional finals and have been invited to Edinburgh to compete in the national final in March. Congratulations students!


Ten Tors
An early start from Belstone saw the 35-mile teams discovering new tors today as they walked all the way down to Postbridge. A bit more independent navigation and a good pace all day. Very well done all.


National Marine Aquarium
Year 7 Geographers spent the day at the National Marine Aquarium. They created marine food webs, examined the effects of plastic pollution and used their science skills to investigate the impact of climate change on coral reefs.


Young Writers Competition
82 of our brilliant students have been chosen to be published in the latest competition run by Young Writers - 'This is Me'. This competition required students to write a poem which reflected an aspect of their personality, written in a form of their choice. We are really proud of our students and wish them luck with the next round of the competition.


Ten Tors
Lovely to see some brightness after the last few weeks! Wet underfoot but a day of sunrise and rainbows so far. All teams are going well and they reached their lunch breaks on route card time. Beginning to walk more independently and letting the leaders do some check pointing.


Arkwright Engineering Scholarship
During the last half term holiday, Lowenna from Year 12, was honoured with the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship in London. The ceremony took place at a magnificent venue, situated next to the Thames overlooking the iconic Savoy Hotel. Congratulations Lowenna on this fantastic achievement!

Lowenna and her family extend their gratitude to Mr. Moore, Head of Physics, for his inspiration and unwavering support of Lowenna throughout the entire process. His encouragement has been instrumental in fostering Lowenna's passion for Physics over the years.


Young Enterprise
The Year 12 budding entrepreneurs were given the opportunity to pitch their company's mission statement, core values, marketing and fundraising strategies. The Dragons, a panel of six business experts, grilled the team on their product, product design, target demographic, pricing strategies and profitability. The team responded with confidence and skill. We are looking forward to seeing how the team progress on their Young Enterprise journey.


Reading Challenge
Our summer holidays Reading Challenge was a great success - thank you so much to all the students and staff who participated in this, earning house points and entries into our raffle. There has been a wonderful sense of reading community as we have discussed and enthused over our books! Well done to our raffle prize winners: Heather 7K, Hebe 7E, Araliya 7S, Evie 7H, Grace 8K, Lily 9F, Lottie 11F, Chloe 11H, and Blythe 11E and Ms Scott. We also wanted to recognise our particularly voracious readers or resident 'book dragons': Aarna 7S, Heather 7K, Maia 7K, Elizabeth 8H, Grace 8K, Bethany 10F, Mahala 11H, Esther 11K Daisy 11E, Blythe 11E. Our next enrichment opportunity from the English department is a seasonal poetry competition - more information coming next week. Thank you to Waterstones Plymouth who kindly donated a selection of books to us as prizes.


A truly mixed weather bag recently, sunshine showers and rainbows as Year 12 Geographers conducted their local place study; an investigation of continuity and change within Devonport. A big thank you must go to local residents Joan and Bob for providing 'insider' perspectives and to Garry at the Market Hall for a guided tour and talk on RIO's role in the regeneration. We were even treated to a sneak peek of the 360 immersive dome!


European Languages Bake-Off
Last week German students from Year 9, 10, and 11 came together to create mouthwatering Austrian Vanillekipferl biscuits during lunchtime!

We owe a massive thank you to the incredible Mrs. Tribe, who not only shared her culinary expertise but did so on her birthday! Your dedication and passion for baking are truly inspiring, and we appreciate you making this bake-off extra special.


Ten Tors
Early start for the first walk of the season- the new 35-mile Ten Tors training group out to see if they fancy joining us for the season's training. The weather is being unusually kind to us as we can see where we are going today, and we’re not wet yet!


Year 12 Geographers spent an afternoon at The Box. Students developed their academic research skills during a guided tour of the Cottonian Research Room and archives. The 'Port of Plymouth' and '100 Journeys' galleries provide insight into the origin of Plymouth and the factors that have shaped it over time — a great local example for their Changing Places topic.


The Drama department were lucky enough to take their A Level Drama students to see the hugely anticipated Metamorphosis by Frantic Assembly at the Theatre Royal Plymouth. Not only did we get to see this incredibly fresh and powerful performance adapted from the Franz Kafka novel of the same name, but were invited to speak with the wonderful Hugh Borthwick, production manager of the Theatre Royal Plymouth, Kerri Whelan executive director of Frantic Assembly, and Scott Graham artistic director and co-founder of Frantic Assembly, up on stage where we got to see the incredibly inventive set design by Jon Bausor. As a special moment of pride for DHSG our very own Emmeline Borthwick, who has been working with the production and has seen the development of the performance, gave a professional talk on costume interpretation to our students. A superb night we won't soon forget.


The Student Support Team's project to build and install a polytunnel in the garden has been a great success. It is now ready to house, nurture and grow more plants ready for gardening club in September.


Back in April we announced that a selection of our year 7 students had been handpicked to feature in the latest Young Writers Competition, Integer. Here are Kutaila, Ayanti, Phoebe, Alice and Jessica proudly holding their published work.

Congratulations also to Holly, Emma and Sofie who have also been chosen to be published.


Showcasing History

Tuesday was an unforgettable day for our Year 10 and 12 historians as they embarked on an incredible journey into the past at the renowned Chalke Valley History Festival!

We were captivated by Hallie Rubenhold's enlightening talk on the Five victims of Jack the Ripper. Her deep insights into the lives of these women shed new light on a haunting chapter in history.
Lord Montague's Falconer left us in awe with breath-taking displays, showcasing the art of falconry that has been passed down through generations. We were transported back in time, witnessing the ancient bond between man and bird.
As we walked through the replica WW1 trench, we couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for those who fought for our freedom. The experience brought history to life, reminding us of the sacrifices made by our brave ancestors.

Our students also had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the festival atmosphere, surrounded by historical authors, living historians, and a plethora of hands-on activities. From ancient artifacts to interactive displays, they got to truly engage with the past.

The study of history allows us to understand the foundations of our world, appreciate the struggles and triumphs of our predecessors, and shape a brighter future. It's more than just dates and facts; it's a powerful tool that empowers us to learn from the past and build a better tomorrow.


Pride Month
A huge well done and thank you to all involved with this year's Pride Month celebrations. From the students who organised the craft stall and created beautiful, hand-crafted LGBT+ related items, to everyone who baked cakes, bought raffle tickets, took part in the heavily costumed photo booth and joined in the very sweaty 'Just Dance' in today's Pride Fair, everyone was so enthusiastic and generous with their time and money. An incredible £185 was raised for local LGBT+ charity, Intercom Trust. Watch this space for the results of this year's Make a Cake or Something Rainbow Competition!

Another great afternoon of fun, laughter, & new friendships at our multi-sports event for year 6 students! Our amazing prospective students showcasing their skills & getting to know our staff & students. Huge thanks to our fantastic PTFA for supporting this event


Women Engineers
In celebration of the upcoming International Women in Engineering Day, we had the pleasure of welcoming ex-student Lucy back to DHSG as our guest engineer. Lucy, a graduating student in Biomedical and Electronic Engineering from Southampton University, has recently received a PhD offer with a focus on assisting stroke survivors in enhancing their dexterity and manipulation abilities. She shared her passion for her studies and her latest research on human-robotic nerve interfaces with interested students. If you're interested in participating in future events, please reach out to us. #INWED23 @INWED1919 #MakeSafetySeen #STEMCareers @shecanengineer


We are thrilled to announce that our Head Teacher, Mr. Sargeant, and Head of House, Mrs. Stacey, have received the prestigious Rainbow Flag Award on behalf of our school. This recognition comes from the Senior LGBT+ Practitioner, Debbie Ley, representing the Intercom Trust, for our school's unwavering commitment to inclusion and visibility of the LGBTQ+ community.

We are honoured to be acknowledged for our positive approach to fostering a safe and supportive environment for everyone. This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire school community. Together, we continue to champion equality, respect, and acceptance.

We believe that every individual should be celebrated and embraced for who they are. By creating an inclusive space, we empower our students to express themselves freely and thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.


Photo Competition
Congratulations to Martha, a talented Year 8 student, for winning the under 18 category at the prestigious Plymouth Urban Tree Festival! 🌿 Her remarkable photograph of the lush, overgrown trees in Plymbridge Woods has been highly commended by the judges.

The judge's comments capture the essence of Martha's stunning work. They were captivated by the vibrant energy and the feeling of nature awakening after a long hibernation. The trees in the photo draw you in, tempting you to explore the enchanting path and marvel at the beauty above. The composition is powerful, guiding the viewer's eye effortlessly into the frame, while the striking contrast between the blue sky and the lush green leaves adds an extra touch of magic. It's truly like stepping into the Garden of Eden.

We're immensely proud of Martha's accomplishment, and her photograph serves as a reminder of the incredible talent within our school community. 📸

On another note, we are excited to announce that today we're holding our own internal photo competition, where students have the chance to showcase their photography skills and win housepoints and merits. Stay tuned, as we will be sharing the winning entries with you soon!

Once again, congratulations to Martha for this well-deserved recognition at the Plymouth Urban Tree Festival! Keep shining bright, and may your creativity continue to inspire us all.


Exciting Update! Our EPAS team recently held an engaging presentation on the EU, European Parliament, Brexit, and EPAS. They covered everything from the EU's structure and governance to the impact of Brexit on the UK and Europe. The session even included a lively debate on the class's hypothetical vote on "Remain" or "Leave," followed by a fun quiz summarising all the knowledge gained.

Moreover, we had the opportunity to discuss the EPAS project itself and encouraged future students to participate in this amazing initiative. Exploring the diverse perspectives within our community!


Green Team
Enthusiastic despite the damp, Green Team students had a Tree Facts session with Tess Wilmot and Green Minds. They learnt about tree identification and how we can look after the trees we have on site.


Ten Tors
All 4 teams home by 3.45! Bit of a record for us! Huge respect to every one of you who made it around and massive thank you to everyone who came out to support us


Year 10 - Natwest Climate Competition
We're thrilled to share with you that our Year 10 students recently took on an incredible challenge inspired by NatWest's climate ambitions. They were tasked with creating a product or service that would help NatWest's business customers to Go Green by saving energy or reducing their carbon footprint.

Working in teams, our students considered all the steps required to establish a new business as they developed an idea for their new product or service. They not only thought about how their company would operate and benefit NatWest's customers but also considered the cost of it to the bank. They then developed a marketing and promotion plan before presenting their business proposal to the judging panel.

Throughout the day, our Year 10 students showed excellent use of their enterprise skills and focused on Entrepreneurialism, Creativity, Resilience, Business & Finance, and Sustainability. We couldn't be prouder of their hard work and dedication. Well done, Year 10!


Green Team
Year 9 Green Team students helped plant three new crab apple trees behind the Art Block this week to support @QueensCanopy and #PlymouthandSouthDevonCommunityForest to increase biodiversity and love for trees! #PSDCF


Plymouth- London- Lanarca- Limassol (Cyprus). Long day for our EPAS team but we arrived at the hotel on time for dinner. We're looking forward to an exciting day!


We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the Year 7 Netball Squad who participated in the PSSP End of Season Tournament at Hele’s School yesterday. We're thrilled to announce that we were able to enter two teams, with the Dolphins coming third in their pool winning four games and narrowly losing the other two by one goal. The Diamond were unbeaten in their pool, winning all six matches and beating a strong Stoke team in the final. Every single student played brilliantly throughout the tournament, and as a school, we are immensely proud of them. A massive thank you to Mrs Cole and Miss Revell for all their time and effort this year in developing Netball here at DHSG

Year 8 Netball team came second at the PSSP End of Season Tournament at Hele’s School. They narrowly lost in the final to an excellent Plymstock team by one goal. The girls played incredibly well and improved throughout the tournament.


Some images from last week's Plymouth Music Accord Concert at the Sherwell Centre, University of Plymouth. Students performed exceptionally well, in front of parents, teachers, Plymouth-born Composer Clive Jenkins, PMA Chairman and Conductor of the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra, Anne Kimber and Concert Pianist and Music Director of The Arts Institute University of Plymouth, Dr. Robert Taube. Quite an audience.


Congratulations to Ruby in 7E who has won a national calendar art competition from the Naval Children's Charity. Ruby's fantastic drawing, for her chosen month of March, won out of thousands of children who entered and will now be published as part of an official calendar. Well done, Ruby.



Year 7 Art Exhibition
Our talented year 7 students hosted an amazing Art Exhibition this week! They've poured their hearts into their artwork over the past term, all centred around the theme 'All About Me'. From vibrant watercolour self-portraits to expressions of personal identity, they've truly showcased their creativity and individuality. Well done, year 7! Keep inspiring us all!


Royal Society of Chemistry’s Olympiad
A record-breaking number of our Yr13 Chemists took part in the 2024 Royal Society of Chemistry’s Olympiad, which is designed to challenge and inspire. It is an opportunity for students to push themselves further and excel in the chemistry field whilst developing their critical problem-solving skills, thinking more creatively, and having a chance to test their knowledge in new, real-world situations. The 2024 paper covered topics such as the composition of the FIFA 2023 Women’s World Cup trophy, iodate salts, fuel-producing bacteria, the MRI contrast agent gadopiclenol and sulphur containing molecules in the atmosphere.

We echo the words of Sophie Redman, RSC Education executive and competition organiser: “I would like to congratulate all the students who took part in the first round of the UK Chemistry Olympiad. We are delighted to see a big increase in the number of students participating, year-on-year, and we extend our thanks to all the teachers who gave their time to facilitate this stage of the competition".


Romeo and Juliet
Year 10 attended a production of Romeo and Juliet recently at the Princess Theatre, Torquay. This was a great opportunity for students to see their set GCSE text performed live, followed by Q&A with the cast to answer our questions.


Global School Alliance
Global School Alliance has met for their first meeting of 2024. We were inspired by ideas from schools in India, Albania and Moldova, particularly the latter, where we heard how they are supporting Ukraine, with whom they share a border. Before Christmas, Esther and Esme had organised a peace dove project, in which DHSG students made 300 origami peace doves, which went into Age UK hampers. Rhiannon prepared and expertly delivered a well-received presentation about this and our other international projects at the meeting, ably assisted by Blythe and Esther. Our global alliance council is now enthused to set up a model UN branch at DHSG. Watch this space.


RHS Campaign 
DHSG is proud to announce its recent inclusion as the latest member of the RHS Campaign for School Gardening. Upon enrolment, we were honoured to receive recognition through the attainment of levels 1, 2, and 3 of the RHS school gardening awards, acknowledging the commendable work we have already undertaken.

In appreciation of our efforts, we were granted a generous assortment of rewards, including an abundance of seeds, three informative gardening books, and garden centre vouchers. Utilising these resources, we made strategic purchases, acquiring an olive tree, a purposeful raised bed, and a diverse selection of plants to enhance and enrich our school garden. This investment marks a significant step forward in our commitment to fostering a vibrant and educational outdoor space for our students.


Global Schools Alliance School Council
Yesterday, 10 of our students, Years 9 - 13, took part in the first meeting of the Global Schools Alliance School Council, alongside students from countries such as India, Albania and Romania.

They discussed sustainable development goals, selecting 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions' as their focus.


Young Writers
109 of our year 7 students have been chosen to be published by Young Writers in their latest poetry collection 'This is Me'. This is a phenomenal amount and shows the outstanding talent of our new cohort of students. Here is 7K holding their certificates and bookmarks.

Don't forget that if your child has been chosen for publication, permission slips need to be sent off / completed online by Sunday 19th November.


Ten Tors
It was a busy weekend for the Ten Tors students. On Saturday, they were in school learning how to pack a bag, first aid procedures, camp cooking and a kit check. Sunday was spent out on the Moor practising their navigation skills and crossing rivers safely. The students are already showing significant progress! Thanks to all the volunteers involved.


Last Tuesday was officially the European Day of Languages! Our MfL (Modern Foreign Languages) Department celebrated this special occasion with a series of exciting events.

Our Year 7 and Year 11 students embarked on a journey of discovery through Zoom presentations organised by Routes into Languages and the British Council. These presentations highlighted the incredible importance of learning languages and the boundless opportunities they can unlock for their future.


Just a small sample of the amazing Science in the Holidays Transition work submitted by our new Year 7 Scientists.


Some fantastic work in textiles - 7-year-bucket hats ready for keeping the sun off this summer

Check out the amazing creations from today's Y7 bread making lesson!

Last week, our talented students got their hands dirty whilst making unflavoured bread and trialling various shapes. It was a warm-up for today's epic challenge!

This week, armed with their well-crafted plans, they unleashed their creativity and baked their own unique flavoured breads. From three-stranded plaits with distinct flavours for each strand to adorable chocolate and orange hedgehogs, our young bakers truly amazed their teacher, Mrs Tribe!

Their focus and dedication were simply outstanding, and they really enjoyed the lesson. It's wonderful to see such enthusiasm for learning and a love for culinary adventures!

We're incredibly proud of our Y7 students for their exceptional creations and their eagerness to explore the world of baking. Keep up the fantastic work, everyone!

Some scary gargoyles and grotesques made by our y8 students in their art lessons are now on display outside reception!


Trevi Charity
A group from 8F gave up their lunch time today to run a sponge the teacher event to raise money for 'Trevi' which is a charity close to the heart of some of our form members. They raised a considerable sum of money, so a huge thank you to all those who contributed by sponging a teacher or buying a treat. Thank you to those teachers who put themselves up for a soaking too- Miss Bilsborough, Mrs Stacey, Mr Green, Miss Revel and Miss Scott


Year 10s have made it around the Rame head peninsula with hair braided, plenty of sun cream, snacks and smiles


Charity Event
We are thrilled to share the incredible success of last Friday’s lunchtime event organised by a group of amazing Year 8 students. They came together to support the fantastic cause of Cancer Research UK and decided to have a “Sponge the Teacher” event!

It was an absolute blast as students eagerly took part, some by paying extra for the honour of throwing a whole bucket of water over some of our brave teachers’ heads! The laughter and excitement were contagious as water pistols and sponges were used to make sure everyone got a good soaking.

We are proud to announce that 10 teachers took part in this hilarious and wet adventure, all for a great cause. Together, we raised funds that will contribute to the important work being done by Cancer Research UK.


Congratulations to our U13 Softball Cricket Team on qualifying for the County Finals later this term! We are incredibly proud of their hard work and dedication. Best of luck in the finals!


Cyprus Trip
What an incredible two days we had in Cyprus with students from Malta, Ireland, Cyprus, and two other schools from the UK! We were presented with countless activities and opportunities throughout our visit. On the first morning, we had the privilege of gathering at a fascinating Greco-Roman Amphitheatre to meet the program coordinators and mingle with students from various countries. The school we later visited warmly embraced us with mesmerising performances and captivating traditional dances. We were also fortunate to hear thought-provoking speeches from influential individuals, including a member of the European Parliament.

Our time was filled with engaging workshops and interactive activities, allowing us to gain valuable experience and knowledge. On the second day, we embarked on a guided tour of the vibrant city of Nicosia. We delved into the complexities of managing the Turkish occupation of Cyprus and explored international relations. Later, we had the privilege of attending additional speeches and presentations held at the esteemed Town Hall.

To culminate our unforgettable experience, we enjoyed a delightful meal at a restaurant in Limassol before bidding farewell and returning the following day.

Year 7 art work inspired by mixed media artist and ceramicist Shirley Vauelle


Last Wednesday evening, our school held a fantastic spring concert featuring over 80 talented student performers! From choir to orchestra, solos to musical groups, each act delivered a professional-level performance that left us all amazed. We are incredibly proud of our students and their hard work in putting on such an incredible show. Bravo to all involved! #SchoolConcert #StudentPerformers #TalentOnDisplay

A massive thank you to Mrs Mitchell and all the other adults who supported putting on such a great concert.


We couldn't be more proud of Alice and Ingrid from 11F, who spent 8 days rehearsing with the National Youth Training Choir of Great Britain over Easter. Their hard work and talent paid off in an unforgettable concert at the Royal Albert Hall, where they joined 900 voices and 40 parts to celebrate NYCGB's 40th anniversary. Well done, Alice and Ingrid!



A talented year 7 artist from DHSG has been working hard this year to create a submission into the 'International Comic/Manga Schools Contest'.
Ellodie Turner's 'Hidden Lives' tells the story of an encounter between a school girl and a cat. This original story embraces the competition theme of 'Light and Dark'. Good luck Ellodie in this prestigious competition.
Click here to view the webtoon, we hope you enjoy the read!

Year 12 Geographers at Start Bay consolidating their knowledge and understanding of coastal systems, processes, landforms and management. They also got to trial different primary data collection methods in preparation for designing their own fieldwork investigations later this term.


Bernie Hollywood has finally made it across the Atlantic in his boat of hope ‘The City of Liverpool’. After 109 days of gruelling rowing he docked in the early hours of last night-just in time to enjoy Easter! (There is a video attached below of his arrival)

Bernie and his boat visited our school last summer where he captivated students with his stories of adventure and spread his message to raise awareness of the struggle that many young people face every day with their mental health.

DHSG’s competition winner, Jess Xu’s artwork also travelled across the Atlantic with Bernie, printed onto the helm of his boat. Bernie said that the artwork would give him strength to persevere and inspiration to carry on through his epic journey. Congratulations Bernie!

What an unforgettable trip for our A Level Drama students! On the last day, they had the incredible opportunity to take a backstage tour of the Globe Theatre before experiencing a mesmerising performance of Titus Andronicus in the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, all lit by candles. The all-female cast delivered an outstanding performance.


Congratulations to our Yr13 Chemists who have now received their certificates for the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad. We are very proud of their achievements in this extremely challenging examination; 2 Gold, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze award


Our A Level Drama students had an unforgettable experience recently when they went on a backstage tour of the National Theatre. They had the chance to explore all three theatres and the backstage area, gaining valuable insight into the inner workings of the theatre. To top it off, they also attended an evening performance of Phaedra. What a day!


For their @EPAmbassadorSchools Leadership skill, Year 12 students Grace and Lara coordinated the promotion and the recruitment of students interested in this month’s Euroscola topic: the EU’s strategy towards a sustainable food system. They guided students, answering their questions on what this event was and other queries.


35 of our students from years 7 to 9 had their work published recently in 'The Power of Poetry', a competition run by Young Writers within the English department. Our students are now competing against 24 others schools; one student overall has the chance to win the Young Writers' Award of Excellence and a £100 National Book Token. Best of luck to all our students.